Monday, May 16, 2016

Bullshit Shopping


1.  If you're shopping and it's close to the end of the night and the stores about to close and you've got a full cart of crap (more on that later) and there's some guy behind you with a bottle of pop, a bag of milk and some lunch meat.....let the fuckin guy go first...but I digress.

2. You've got a bucket full of crap.  seriously...did you even see the section of the grocery store when you walked had fruits and vegetables....maybe you remember them from when you were a kid.

The following are not groceries:

microwavable Chinese meals
ice cream
ice cream cones
chicken fuckin fingers
omg...I can't go on...

it was $180 worth of crap that she could have made herself for about 1/4 of that....

People...stop buying crap for fuck sakes....I'm going to teach you how to shop, re-use leftovers so they don't suck and just not get screwed at the grocery store.

Oh...and you'll eat healthier as a result.

suck it up butter cup....

coming soon.